Many people exchange numerous e-mails every day for daily work. These e-mails contain images, videos and PDF files that occupy a lot of space in the Google account. Although there is an opportunity to store up to 15 gigabytes of data free of charge in Google account, besides Gmail, the data of Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets and other Google services are regularly stored there. As a result, if the Google free up Gmail account space account space is not free, Gmail does not receive new e-mails.However, this problem can be solved by freeing up space in the Gmail account.
Delete unnecessary e-mails
Various companies regularly send various types of offers and promotional e-mails to Gmail. PDF files are often attached to these e-mails, thus occupying more space in the Google account. And therefore the unnecessary e-mails sent by various individuals or organizations should be deleted regularly.
Emptying the bin and spam folders
Once an email is deleted, it is stored in Gmail’s Bin folder for up to 30 days. As a result, even if deleted, these e-mails occupy space. Again, many e-mails end up in the spam box and take up space in the same way. And so all the e-mails in Gmail’s bin and spam folder should be deleted regularly.
Delete e-mails with large unnecessary attachments
Many people send pictures, videos and PDF files through e-mail. All images, videos and PDF files are not required as email attachments. But the files occupy a lot of space in the Google account. So in addition to deleting e-mails with large unnecessary attachments, after downloading necessary videos or images, e-mails with attachments should be deleted.
Unsubscribe from newsletters
By subscribing to e-mails from various organizations, their newsletters are delivered to your Gmail inbox at regular intervals. These newsletters are large in size and take up a lot of space. So unsubscribe from unnecessary organization newsletters.
Detailed features of the email account
Do you know about these five benefits of Gmail?
Many people regularly exchange e-mails through Gmail for personal or work needs. Gmail has several features that many people don’t know about to simplify the entire process from writing to sending e-mails. Let’s take a look at the benefits.
1. Swipe facility
Emails can be marked as archived, deleted, read or unread by swiping in the Gmail app on the smartphone. Emails are usually archived by swiping left or right. If you want, you can also swipe to delete e-mails, mark them as read or unread. For this, right swipe and left swipe options can be found by entering the settings of the Gmail app and going to the e-mail swipe action from the general settings option.By selecting ‘Change’ to access the preferred options, a popup box will appear with Archive, Delete, Mark as Read/Unread, Move to, Snooze and None options. Then select the desired option.
2. Confidential mode
Email can be sent securely using Gmail’s confidential mode. Because e-mails sent through confidential mode cannot be screenshotted. It is not even possible to download or forward to another person. To send e-mail using confidential mode, click on the compose button from the computer and after writing the e-mail, click on the padlock clock icon at the bottom to turn on the confidential mode.After clicking on the padlock clock icon, you need to set the protection date of the e-mail from the Set Expiration option. Then tap the send button and the e-mail will go to the specified address.
3. Scheduled e-mail
Emails can be sent at specific times by selecting specific times using Gmail’s mail schedule feature. To use mail schedule facility from computer, firstly login to Gmail account and click on compose option. Then write recipient name, mail subject and mail and click on arrow button of send option below. Now, if you click on the schedule send option, you will see some pre-determined times.By setting the desired time, the mail will automatically go to the recipient at the specified time.
4. Advanced search
Advanced search facility can be used to easily find desired content in Gmail. After entering the e-mail address in the Gmail search box, various search filters will appear. There you can easily find e-mails after using filters such as attachment, date etc.
5. Keyboard Shortcuts
5. Keyboard Shortcuts Gmail can be used very easily using the keyboard. There are several shortcuts for this. For example, typing Ctrl + to compose e-mail, Ctrl + Enter to send e-mail, adding CC to e-mail by typing Ctrl + Shift + c.