How to recover Gmail account and password if you forget it

People use Gmail for many tasks besides just sending emails. Sometimes, it’s necessary to access a Gmail account from other devices, like a different computer or smartphone. When you can’t log in to your account, it can be frustrating. Many people face this issue because they forget their password. Some even forget their Gmail user ID. However, you can recover your Gmail account and password by following a few steps. Let’s take a look at how.

If you forget your password:

Many people can’t access Gmail because they forget their password. To recover it, first visit the Gmail password recovery page. Enter your Gmail address. You’ll then be asked to provide any previous password you’ve used on the account. If you don’t remember it, click on ‘Try Another Way.’ Google will then send a code to your phone number or recovery email. Enter the code on the website and click Next. After that, you can create a new password.

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If you forgot your Gmail account:

Many people forget their Gmail account along with their password, making it impossible to access. To recover your account, visit the Gmail recovery page and click on the ‘Forgot the email address you use to sign in?’ option. Click or tap on the ‘Follow these steps’ link. Then, provide your phone number or alternate email address. On the next page, enter your full name. Google will send a verification code to your phone or email. After entering the code, you’ll see a list of all email addresses linked to that phone number or email. Select the one you want and follow the instructions to access your Gmail account.

Additionally, you can report any problems with your account and if you more information about in recover Gmail account and password by visiting Google’s support page.

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